Monday, April 15, 2013

The Best Place for Study

           Study is an important thing for all people to make us start knowing about new knowledge, and not feeling stupid when we’re around the people. But to be smart, we have to study before. It will not come quickly and easily .We have to do it step by step. We have to do it again and again because we have to remember and understand about the lesson, There are some way to study, but actually we have to feels comfort to our study room. Study doesn't always in the room or indoor, we can do it outdoor too. But, it is not easy to find the best place to study. And today, we are going to mention 3 things that can support a place to become the best place to study.
           The first thing that can support a place to become a best place to study is : quiet. Usually, a quiet place isn't very crowded. It is a peaceful place, not very noisy, only some sounds with a low volume. Doesn’t mean a very quiet place, it can be a silence. But peaceful, also we can play a sound of harmonious instrumental song with a very low volume, kind a soft colour of the walls around us, a simple-decorated of curtain with a soft colour that match with the colour of the walls, also complete with a calmed view of a side window on the walls.
           The second thing that can support a place to become a best place to study is : clean. Clean, it is not a wet place, not a dirty place, but have a fresh air. We can get the fresh air in the morning. It is fresh, feels so clean, there aren't dust or ash, and feels so original with a smell of morning dew. Morning air is cold too, but not the same with the cold of the AC’s air. The clean place is not wet and dirty, there aren't stagnant water and trashes aroud us. The trash usually contains a bad thing and not good for our healthy, it has a bad smell, smells sour and rancid, sometimes the trash makes insect come and bringing disease to us. 
           The last thing that can support the place to become the best place to study is : comfortable room. The comfortable room has comfortable furniture and comfortable place to sit. The comfortable furniture are simple, easy to put in or getting used to, had a perfect size ; not too big nor too small. It has a smooth surface, hard and flat, also sometimes made from wood that brings a classical atmosphere. In the other hand, comfortable  place to sit are soft like a fur of an animal, fluffy, warm, and had a smooth surface. It isn’t hard like the furniture do. It soft and warm. We can be more relaxed and feel comfortable when we seated there.
           Study is a learning progress that not only requires a source of knowledge, but rather requires a suitable place in terms of clean, quiet, and comfortable. That is the place where we can study better for the best result. (Created by : Lisa Adelia and Salma Innaya)

Don’t Just Grew Up !

            In relationships in our daily life, we meet all kinds of people with different characteristics. Sometimes, there are some characteristics which are contrary to our habits or our environment, and it causes some conflicts or misunderstandings. To solve these problems, we need to have an attitude of forgiveness and mutual understand each other. Because if we already have a sense of forgiveness and understand about each other, we will realize that we are not perfect. In this case, I believe these things can makes you be able to forgive others in easier way.

            We have to believe that nobody has never made ​​a mistake, whether conscious or unconscious mistakes. Because in this world, no one is perfect, not even ourselves. As we know, perfection belongs only to the God, the one who created this world for us. And beside that, we should not judge a people from their look, because people with a bad looking is not necessarily have bad habits. A person with a good looking is not necessarily has a good habit as good as they look. And now we can realize, that no one is perfect in this world, everything will have drawbacks, both in terms of physical and psychological aspect. So, when other people make mistakes, we must introspect and ready to forgive because we also did another mistake. If we realized that we have ever done something wrong, it would be easier to forgive the mistakes of others. For example, when one of our friends forgot to do his/her homework, we shouldn’t ridiculed them because we also ever did it before even only once. We better ask him/her what’s their reason that causes them forgot to do their homework.

            And the second thing is we should have a calm, clear, and cool mind wherever, whenever, and whatever situations we are in. Although we are in a problem, small problem or a big problem, we should be able to control our minds, so we won’t be provoked by our emotionals. Also, we need to be patient in order to solve the problem. Because if we don’t take a control of our emotional, the problem won’t be finished soon. Besides that, we should not exaggerate the problems we have. Because if we face a problem emotionally, it will only make the problems bigger, we will not finish the problem. Remember that solving a problem is much better than exaggerating it.

            The most important thing in this life is peace. But, many of us do not know  that actually one of the efforts to achieve peace is to forgive each other. Besides gaining peace, forgiveness will also bring us unity and wholeness in our daily life in this world. In a friendship, we should be able to forgive each other to prevent any conflicts between us. Because conflict within friendships can lead to a fights or a discord, and that’s not good for us. Also in a works together in a team, we also need an attitude to forgive among teammates who work together with us, in order to achieve the best result. Because if we can not forgive each other between a teammates in our teamworks, sure than we will not be able to obtain the best result of our hardworks with our team.

            From all things above, we can conclude that the things that can make you able to forgive others in easier way are realizing that nobody is perfect, taking a problem in an easy way and controlling our emotion, also knowing that forgiveness means regaining a sense of wholeness and peace in your life. Forgiving someone is a step towards achieving peace in our life, and forgiving is not as difficult as we thought. Face everything with a smile. (Created by : Lisa Adelia)